Postponement of the course registration date for new students
Postponement of the course registration date for new students
Due to the war and further announcements by the heads
Winter semester has been postponed.
The orientation day was also postponed.   More details can
The Technion has delayed the commencement date for the academic year, moving it to January 14, 2024
In response to requests from IDF officials and after constructive
Semester A for the academic year 2024 start
Fall semester for the academic year 2024, finally start. We
Undergraduate studies Offices will be closed due to “Purim” holiday
On Monday the 24th in March 2024, The Technion will
End of Semester A of the academic year of 2024
End of Fall semester of the academic year 2024. Good
Start of First exams dates for Fall Semester
Start of First exams dates for semester A of the
Portalex is going under maintenance
On Friday, 12 April 2024, between the hours 12:00-17:00, Portalex
Undergraduate studies offices will be close
Due to Passover holiday, Undergraduate studies offices will be closed
Start of late exams dates for Fall Semester
Start of Last exams dates for semester A of the
Start of Semester B for the academic year 2024
Start of Spring semester for the academic year 2024. We