Exam Scanning

Exam Scanning

Online updates regarding scanned exams:

Midterm_1/2/3 exams (exams held in the middle of the semester)

Exam_A / Exam_B exams (Moed A, Moed B)

After the exams have been graded, they are transferred to the Computerized Documentation Unit (Scanning Unit) by the administrative unit of the faculty responsible for the course. The Scanning Unit handles the scanning of exams on an ongoing basis, such that the majority of exams are scanned within a day of when the exam was given. Automatic messages are sent several times a day (by email and through the mobile app) regarding the new exams that have been scanned.

On the course page, you can view the scanned exam in the Grades portal: https://grades.technion.ac.il.

You can log into the “Grades” website with the username of your Technion email address (without the @campus.technion.ac.il extension) and the password for your Technion email.

For questions about a missing scanned exam, please contact the administrative unit of the faculty in which the course is taught.

We will be happy to hear feedback, comments, and suggestions for improvements via email: personal.portal@technion.ac.il.