Exam Scanning

Exam Scanning

Online updates on scanned exams

Different types of exams are being scanned
Midterm_1/2/3 exams
Exam_A/Exam_B – Final exam A, Final exam B

After grading the exams, they are being transferred to a computerized documentation unit (the scanning unit) by the responsible faculty secretariat for the subject. The scanning unit performs the exams scanning on an ongoing basis, so most of the exams are being scanned within one day after the exam grading was completed. Several times a day, automated messages (via email and mobile app) are sent for notifying the students that a new scanned exam was uploaded and is available.

The scanned exams would be available on the Grades portal at https://grades.technion.ac.il on the relevant course page.

Login to the Grades portal is done using your Technion email account username (without the @campus.technion.ac.il suffix) and your Technion email account password.

For any questions regarding a missing scanned exam, please contact the relevant Faculty Secretariat of the specific subject.

We will be happy to receive your comments and suggestions for improvements at personal.portal@technion.ac.il

Kind Regards,
Dr. Efrat Nativ Ronen
Secretary of Undergraduate Studies